Your finances are something that you must be vigilant about, or risk major consequences. There are situations in which you need to make decisions regarding your finances that could have a huge impact on your future financial well-being, and these should be considered carefully to ensure the best possible outcome. One of these decisions involves tough financial times when have urgent obligations but not the funding the fulfill them. When this situation arises, you may be tempted to take out a payday loan. This could be a good decision for you, but it is important to be cautious in order to protect your safety and the security of your financial interests.What Are Payday Loans?Payday loans are small sum, short term loans that act as advances on your next paycheck. In order to take out one you must be able to provide valid identification, proof of average income, proof of length of pay-period, and a verifiable, active checking account. These elements will ensure you are who you say you are, as well as ensure the lender that they will be repaid. These loans last until your next paycheck, when the total amount of the loan, as well as fees and interest, are to be repaid.The AdvantagesThere are certain advantages to choosing payday loans as your financial resource in an emergency situation. These involve not only the application process but the qualities of the loans themselves. As opposed to most other loan products, these do not generally require a credit check. This means that even if you have very bad or no credit you will still have access to a payday loan. Payday loans are active very quickly. Some are even available within minutes of your application being approved. Most others will be available within 24 hours. This is much faster than most other forms of loans or advances. The short time period of the loan means that the obligation is brief and, if repayment happens on time, you will not have to factor the loan repayment into further budgeting. They are easily accessible both through physical money stores that provide other services as well, and through online lenders.The RisksLike with any other financial decision, there are some risks involved with taking out a payday loan. The fees associated with a payday loan can equal a large percentage of the loan amount, which increases the amount that must be repaid. If you choose to extend your loan, these fees are renewed. This can make repaying the loan very difficult. Interest rates applied to payday loans are the highest in the loan industry. These sometimes reach four-digit percentages, and dramatically increase the amount of the loan, especially if the loan period is extended. The short period can also represent a problem in that it doesn’t give you much time to prepare for repaying the loan and budgeting your reduced paycheck for all of your other expenses.Staying Safe with Payday LoansMany people question whether payday loans are safe. This is a viable question, especially when you consider that some people choose to take out these loans through online sources. Anytime you use the internet for a financial transaction there is some risk. Knowing what to look for, and how to properly manage a payday loan ensures that you and your information will remain secure. When using a money store, your information is kept absolutely confidential. Even though your checking account information is collected, you can be sure that this information will only be used for the purposes that you authorize. Online lenders are slightly more difficult When choosing an online lender, be sure that you are using one that is reputable, and offers accreditation from business bureaus as well as insurance. Do research on your chosen lender to see if anyone has lodged complaints against the company. Just like with a money store, you will provide authorization for any payment activities. By making sure that you are working with reputable lenders, you can be assured that your interests are protected and that you will be able to borrow the money you need safely.
4 Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
Why Digital Marketing?
Nowadays lack of online presence can kill the business growth and hammered your business badly. With the increasing number of internet users and the number of online searches for services, online presence becomes the need of every business. But all businesses, especially small ones can not afford to hire an agency for online marketing services. So, here we will discuss 4 budget-friendly digital marketing strategies that can be implemented on your own.
Digital Marketing tips for small business
First, identify
What is the demographic base of your customer?
Which online platform uses search for products similar to your products?
What do your competitors offer to users?
What is your budget for online advertisement?
Answers of these questions help you to build and implement digital marketing strategies more effectively.
Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
Google My Business
Google My Business is one of the powerful digital marketing tools for small and local businesses. Ranking in Google My Business listing improves your business online visibility and sale. If you are running a business that targets the local people then Google My Business is the first tool of your list to make an impact on online searches.
For example, if user search for “digital marketing training institute in Mumbai”, Google shown result as,
Google My Business
Google My Business not only helps users with businesses related to the search query but also guides them with maps to reach at particular locations and provide contact information for the businesses.
GMB is the best way to gain online visibility and credibility for the business in a short period of time. If you are running a local business then It should be top in your list.
How to optimize GNB profile and rank your business
Fill up all details of your business.
Include Keywords in business title and description.
Update your business opening hours accurately.
Update your business location correctly.
Add photos as much as you can.
Manage and respond to customer reviews.
Let users contact or message you.
Add a local post regularly.
Add product catalogue for the users.
Remember, your business listing ranking will be improved when you get the good reviews and update the post regularly. Google My Business listing is absolutely free of cost service from Google.
Facebook Marketing
Facebook advertising is also a great option to reach more people and improve your business social presence. Facebook marketing can be done in two ways, either organically or paid advertising.
What is Organic posting:
Facebook organic posting means creating user interested content regularly and posting it on your Facebook business page in order to gain more followers and likes to your business page. Though organic posting takes more time to get the result, consistency and patience are important to get good and long term results for your business. You can also add offers on your business page inorder to get more visibility and user engagement.
Paid Advertisement:
Facebook paid marketing
Facebook paid advertising is widely used by many small and medium businesses to get the result instantly. With Paid advertising you can select which area and interest of people want to display your ad. Based on your ad objectives the cost will vary for advertisement. For lead generation campaigns cost be higher compared to the awareness and reach campaign.
Facebook paid advertising is marked as a “Sponsored” post when showing for the targeted audience. You need to create the Facebook ad account in order to start with Facebook paid advertisement.
Facebook paid advertising helps businesses to reach more users in a short time, with targeting to specific location, gender and age groups but it is bit costly service for local small businesses.
Google AdWords
There are thousands of search queries made on Google every second. No other advertising option has the potential to get the quick and good result for your business than the Google Adwords.
Google Adwords is like the Good father of all online marketing strategies. For a long time it’s competitive, it’s expensive yet to be an effective online marketing strategy. Adwords goal is to deliver the relevant search results for the queries and it will be less expensive when you set it up and optimize properly. Adding negative keywords and a detailed audience can help you to get a good click through rate.
The question is, how does it work?
Adwords display your ad for the query searched related to your product or keyword you mention. These results are shown at the top of search engines and at the bottom as well. When a user clicks on your ad then the amount will be debited from your ad spent whether the user goes with your service or not. That’s why right targeting and optimization of campaigns is important.
How to Set up a result driven AdWords campaign?
Map your campaign strategy.
Targeting the right keywords.
Targeting the right audience.
Check competition of keywords.
Competitors analysis to build result driven ad copy.
Optimize your campaign for the best time of search.
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization is a long process and it takes time but once you rank for the particular keywords then the result will be given for a long time. Search engine optimization is not instant result and it needs knowledge of search engine and Google algorithms, how it works? That’s the reason businesses go with consultants to search engine optimization strategy.
SEO means ranking for the search query on top of the search engine results. When users search for any queries, they hardly check the first page of the search result. So it is important to rank on at least the first page for the relevant queries. Ranking is dependent on the search volume and competition of keywords. Large search volume and high competition keywords are difficult to rank and it takes more time.
These are the commonly used digital marketing strategies to improve the online visibility of the business. Based on your business type, the user can go with the strategy which is best for his business and give them a good result. For small and local businesses Google My Business and Organic posting on social media is the best strategy to go with.
10 Ways To Boost Your Credit Score
1. Deleting Errors in 48 HoursThis is the absolute fastest way to correct errors on your credit
report and raise your credit score. However, it can only be done
through a mortgage company or a bank. If you apply for a home
loan and find errors on your credit report, request the loan
officer to conduct a Rapid Rescore. But don’t mistake it for the
credit clinic tactic of multiple dispute letters.The Rapid Rescore strategy requires proper paperwork. You need
proof that the item is incorrect. It must come from the creditor
directly. For example, a letter stating the account is not your
account, a letter stating the account was paid satisfactorily,
a release of lien, a satisfaction of judgment, a bankruptcy
discharge, a letter for deletion of collection account or any
relevant evidence.This is the same documentation a bank or mortgage company would
require for the credit accounts anyways. The difference is, now
you can improve your credit score and receive a lower interest
rate. The results are not guaranteed and will run you about $50
per account.2. Deleting Negative CreditThis is the infamous area where you’ve heard of all the scams.
Credit repair clinics charge “an arm and a leg” and promise a
clean credit report. Sometimes even a new credit profile! People
spending hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars for something
they can do themselves.Removing errors is simple. Deleting negative credit that is
accurate requires advanced methods. But that is not the scope
of this report. So I’ll focus on the deleting the negative
errors.Credit report errors easily disappear by using a simple dispute
letter. If you have the paperwork proving the error as mentioned
above in Rapid Rescore, send copies of that along with the
dispute letter. This will make the credit bureau’s job easier and
you will get faster results.If you don’t have the documentation to prove the error(s), send
the dispute letter anyway. According to federal law, the credit
bureau’s have a “reasonable time” to validate your claim. They
will contact the creditor for verification of your dispute. Then
the account will be reported accurately – or deleted. It has been
generally accepted the “reasonable time” to complete this task is
30 days.If you’re not the do-it-yourself kind of person. Or don’t have
the time. You could hire someone who is very economical.3. PiggyBack Someone’s CreditThis is a fast and great little credit score booster. But it
requires a very trusting relationship. Simply put, someone else
adds you to their credit account. For example, when applying for
a credit card, you may have seen the section to add a card holder.
If your trusting person adds you, their payment history is now
reported on your credit report too. If they have perfect credit,
now you have a perfect account.To make this more effective, use an aged account. Imagine if your
trusted person has a 10 year old credit card account with a
perfect payment history and a balance of only 50% of the credit
limit. Wouldn’t you love to have this on your credit report? The
easy part is your trusted person just calls the credit card
company and requests a form to add a cardholder. Once completed
and activated, their entire account history and future is now
firmly planted on your account. Imagine if you secured 3-5 of
these accounts – especially installment accounts. Your credit
score could sky-rocket!The challenging part? Finding the trusted person. Since you already
have a low credit score and bad credit, how eager will someone be
to make you a cardholder? Even your parents don’t want you to
damage their credit. But, no one says you need to possess the card!
In other words, your trusted person could add you as a card holder
and never give you the card or PIN or any information. Since the
bills and all account information is still mailed to the trusted
person’s address, you won’t know anything about the account. This
scenario could land you many trusted persons. And you still benefit
with a higher credit score.4. Playing Round RobinThis strategy is one of the oldest credit building techniques
around. It used to be accomplished with secured savings accounts.
But now, it’s much easier with secured credit cards. In fact,
I’ve used this method myself.Here’s how it works: Take ,000 (or what you can afford) and get
a secured credit card. Once received, get a cash advance of 70%
of your credit limit. Get a second secured credit card. Once
received, get a cash advance of 70% of your credit limit. Get a
third secured credit card. Once received, get a cash advance of
70% of your credit limit.Open a new checking account with the final cash advance. Use this
account only for making payments on your three new credit cards.
If you make your payments on time every month, your credit score
will increase because you now have three new perfect payment
credit cards. (Initially, your credit score might drop a few
points due to the rapid, multiple accounts being opened. However,
be patient because within 4 months of no new accounts or any
delinquencies of any account, you will see your credit score
increase. Mine increased 60 points in 60 days!!)5. Pay on TimeThis one is quite obvious. But after 12.5 years in the mortgage
business, I discovered it still needs repeating. Your creditors
were gracious enough to loan you money. Now pay your damn bills!
If you don’t, your credit score decreases. EVEN IF ONLY 30 DAYS
LATE!That’s right folks. For some reason people think, “I’m only a
few weeks late. What’s the big deal?” Well, for the loan company,
if you pay late but consistent, they make a lot more money with
late fees and more interest (if a simple interest loan). For you,
your credit score is damaged. If you think long-term and credit
score, I’m certain you would not have a cavalier attitude.6. Pay Down DebtsThis seems like an obvious method, doesn’t it? But it is not as
transparent as you might think. Remember, we’re playing with
high-level statistics and probabilities which evaluates and
forecasts trends in your behavior. Here’s what you do…Never pay off your revolving debt in it’s entirety! Isn’t that a
surprise? Think about it. Your credit score is a reflection of
your ability to manage your credit. Paying off your debt is not
managing your debt. If you have a zero balance, how can you manage
it? You don’t. It no longer exists. And you cannot manage what
does not exist, right? Therefore, in terms of credit score, you
have demonstrated your ability to swiftly pay off accounts to
avoid managing them. Thus, slightly decreasing your credit score.One exception, of course, is if you’re over extended to begin
with. Pay off what’s necessary to make your credit profile look
great. Then manage the remaining credit.7. Don’t Close AccountsEven if you pay off revolving debts, do not close the account.
The longer an account is open with no negative reports, the
better it reflects in your overall credit score. This is due to
the weighted-average in the credit score formula. Many credit
experts suggest a balance of 30% of your credit limit. That’s
ideal. But you can go as high as 70% and still maintain a
healthy credit score.8. No New CreditYou must be vigilant in your credit behavior if you want the best
credit score. Therefore, do not get any new credit unless it is
absolutely necessary. Each time you apply for credit, an inquiry
is added to your report. This usually drops your credit score
slightly. When you have fresh credit, there is no track record
how you will manage (or pay) this account. Therefore, it’s a
higher risk which results in a minor drop in your credit score.
Remember, your credit score is about risk assessment.Here’s what you do: obtain credit for your housing, transportation,
college or continued education and 3-5 credit cards. That’s really
all you need for personal credit. If you want more credit, request
a credit limit increase on your current cards rather than apply
for new ones.9. Maintain A Mix of Credit TypesIf you show you can handle different types of credit at the same
time, you are rewarded with a great credit score. In other words,
get installment loans like vehicle, personal loan or mortgage.
Get revolving credit like credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Sears,
Sunoco Gas, Costco. By mixing it up, you demonstrate you can
manage your credit because you will have short term and long term
credit with a fixed payment. As well as a “variable” monthly
payment on your credit cards.Keep these accounts open with a balance of 70% or less and paid
on time and you will witness your credit score climb to great
heights.10. Don’t File Bankruptcy or ForeclosureHere’s the most obvious advice: Don’t file for bankruptcy or
foreclosure. These stay on your credit report for 10 years and
always decrease your credit score. The older the bankruptcy or
foreclosure account becomes, coupled with re-built credit
history, the less of an impact they play on your credit score.Contrary to popular beliefs, you can legally delete a bankruptcy
and foreclosure. It’s not easy. But it’s possible. See the
advanced methods for that solution.To quickly rebuild your credit history after a bankruptcy or
foreclosure, use the Round Robin strategy above and get secured
credit cards. Now you can even get a car loan or mortgage right
after bankruptcy.© 2004 David Czach.——– Editor’s Note ———-Dave Czach has 12 years experience in the mortgage business and
a Bachelor’s Degree in Real Estate. He can be reached at article may be reprinted without compensation provided
there are no changes whatsoever to the article, the copyright
notice and the complete Editor’s Note. Any reprinting or
duplication without these conditions is copyright infringement.——– Editor’s Note ———-